While the recent JC Penney 'I'm too pretty to do homework..' t-shirt fiasco has resulted in a lot of negative and angry response on the Internet, I decided to take a different approach to how I reacted. I'm not going to create an angry petition. I'm not going to harass them on Facebook and Twitter. Nor am I going to create a product to sell where I turn around and pocket the profits. This situation isn't about opportunism or seeing who can yell the loudest in response. This situation should be about promoting the organizations and people that encourage positive academic development in our girls nationwide.
I came across the organization Girlstart, which is an Austin, Texas based group that has a goal of empowering girls in science, technology, engineering and math. They hold numerous events throughout the year, including summer camps where girls get to explore these subjects and expand their minds.
Because sending a girl to one of these camps is costly ($350), Girlstart has set up a Summer Camp Scholarship Fund that allows people to donate and help send a girl to camp. So here's my request for all of you that are able:
Help me send a girl to STEM Camp.
Is there a better way to show your support for girls' academic achievement then to help send one to a camp that focuses on science and mathematics? Boycotting JC Penney isn't going to help. Sending a girl to camp will.
Visit my Crowdrise page and help me raise $350 to send a girl to camp. If we raise even more than that, great! Note that all donations made on Crowdrise go DIRECTLY to the organization; no shady business going on.
Please spread this post and the link to my Crowdrise page to all parties that you think may be interested. We owe it to our girls to do everything we can to encourage their academic development and cultivate their interest in learning.
¡Muchas gracias!
13 years ago
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